– Tours, safari & holidays –

5-Day Kenya Big Five Safari

Trip Summary

The tour of a lifetime. Immerse yourself in Kenya for 9 days. Begin your journey with the parks of the coast, Tsavo West and Amboseli, with 2 night in each of them. Marvel at the huge elephants under the majestic Kilimanjaro. Take a relaxing break as you go west, and enjoy Lake Naivasha with its flamingos and hippos. Move on to The Great Mara and use those 3 nights to collect memories and images of the Big 5 that will last forever. Why not take a balloon safari? As you go back to Nairobi, stop for a night at gorgeous Lake Nakuru.

Day by Day Itinerary

We depart from the Kenyan Coast by road heading to the Tsavo West National Park. You will arrive just in time for a great lunch, then you will go on an optional afternoon or evening game drive.

Tsavo West is the most visited section in the two Tsavo National Parks, offering different landscapes and beautiful sceneries, apart from its wildlife.

The foremost is the famous Mzima Springs where more than 200 million liters of cool, crystal clear water flow through porous volcanic rocks into the lovely, tree-lined spring. The water is believed to originate from Chuyulu Hills, via an underground river.

If you wish, you can enjoy a game drive in Tsavo East instead of Tsavo West.

After breakfast, you will enjoy a full day game drive, with a packed lunch provided en-route. Interesting places to visit are the Roaring Rocks, which get their name from sound, the wind makes when blowing through them.

From the top of a 98 m rock, you will have wonderful views over Tsavo. Expect similarly stunning views from the poacher’s lookout.

The volcanic Chaimu Crater, less than 200 years old and composed of black lava, is worth visiting and can be climbed, if interested. The area is a good place to look out for klipspringers, small and very agile antelopes, known in Swahili as mbuzi mawe (mountain goat).

In the southwestern corner of Tsavo West lies Lake Jipe, a blue jewel, where the Kenyan-Tanzanian border is running through.

Early in the morning, you will drive to Amboseli National Park, check into your accommodation, and spend the rest of the day at leisure.

Amboseli National Park is situated South of Nairobi, Most of the park consist of a (mostly) dry, ancient lake bed and fragile grassland with patches of acacia woodland. In the southern area, you’ll find a number of small, rocky, volcanic hills. Around the swamps Ol Okenya, Ol Tukai, and Enkongo Narok, the vegetation is lush with yellow-barked acacias and phoenix palms.

Rise early for a breath-taking view of Mount Kilimanjaro before clouds build up over the summit. With a packed lunch you can spend a whole day in the park.

An optional visit to a Masai village can be arranged after breakfast. A visit reveals the singing and dancing and sacred rituals, which are part of the daily life of the famous Maasai warriors in their red “shukas”. A glimpse into their homes and social structure is a poignant experience.

Despite its changing habitat, Amboseli National Park is possibly the best wildlife area in Africa to experience elephants at close range. Large groups of elephants feeding and bathing in the swamps is one of the true highlights of a safari.

After breakfast, you will drive to Lake Naivasha, the highest and most beautiful of the Rift Valley lakes. At 1910 m (6200 ft), the water is fresh and the lake is fringed with dense papyrus (ancient Egyptian, once used to make paper).

Kingfishers use the papyrus as a perch, herons hide in it while searching for food. Naivasha is yet another area popular for bird-watching (over 400 species have been recorded).

It is also a favorite weekend retreat for Nairobi residents, who come here to sail, water ski and fish. There are no crocodiles in the lake as the water is too cold for them, due to altitude, but there are several hippos. Along the lakeshore, vineyards produce grapes for the country’s growing wine industry.

Maasai Mara National Reserve holds on as one of the few places on earth where wildlife still lives comparatively undisturbed, in numbers as they once roamed the plains and forests of Africa.

As the northern tip of the vast Serengeti ecosystem, the Mara hosts the spectacular seasonal migration of many thousands of Wildebeest, Zebras, accompanied by predators. Arrive in time for lunch then enjoy an afternoon game drive.

The Mara is known as one of the finest wildlife destinations in the World. There is an excellent chance of seeing the Big 5, as well as cheetahs, servals, hyenas, bat-eared foxes, black-backed and side-striped jackals, hippos, crocodiles, baboons, warthogs, topis, elands, Thompson’s gazelles, Grant’s gazelles, impalas, and more.

After breakfast, you have a full-day game drive, with packed lunch provided. The reserve is well known for its black-manned lions, as well as its abundant resident wildlife and its one of the few places where it’s possible to see the Big Five during a morning game drive.

Many of the cheetahs are so tame that they seek shelter from the hot sun under one’s vehicle and several even climb onto the roof to get a better view of prospective prey.

For bird enthusiast, almost 500 species have been recorded: among them 16 species of eagles, many hawks and falcons, 6 species of vultures, 8 species of storks 4 of bustard (including the Kori bustard, the world’s heaviest flying bird), and 9 species of the tiny sunbirds.

You will be picked up early in the morning, then drive to Lake Nakuru National Park, across the equator. South of Bogoria, lies the Rift Valley’s famous Lake Nakuru. Known all over the world for its flamingos, its alkaline waters and is recognized as being one of the natural wonders of the world.

Lake Nakuru is now home to a rhino sanctuary, harboring a population of over 40 black and over 60 white rhinos, but the flamingoes, of course, have always been the main attraction. At times there might be almost 2 million flamingos in residence, forming a stunningly beautiful deep pink band around the edge of the lakeshore. Arrival is at lunchtime, then you will enjoy an afternoon game drive.

Today, you will enjoy your last Game drive at Lake Nakuru before heading back home. We hope you enjoyed your journey and wish you safe travels onwards!

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